4. Air Powered Rocket Launcher
< Intro >
Starting off, I wanted to try out making an easy-to-make weapon that features using only air as a way of launching projectiles off of the cannon, and what better way than making a rocket launcher that uses compressed air to launch a makeshift rocket? In addition, also make it easier to carry, sorta functioning like an actual mobile rocket launcher (see videos below), which can be satisfying to operate as you aim, and shoot to see the rocket fly at pretty long distances (depending on the amount of PSI in the tank).
< Full unit > |
< Operation >
The way it works is of course using the air being compressed in a single container, which in this case is the tank, made out of a PVC pipe and piping, and in order to pump air in the tank to compress it, either use a manual pump or an electric pump for that task. Once the tank is full of compressed air, in order to release that pressure, an electric value meant to control the water flow is needed, since it can switch on or off quickly. And finally, as soon as the air makes its way to the rocket, the amount of force is high enough to push the rocket out!
Just a safety note, even though this is not fuel-based (like using flammable propellants), it is still dangerous due to huge amounts of air pressure (60+ PSI) being compressed in the small tank, which on a small chance, could be a risk of explosion on the PVC connections. Even worse is that if you continue to push the tank to the limit by giving the tank more compressed air, the tank will rupure, and you'll be severely injured.
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In terms of how the rest of the rocket launcher was being assembled, the whole body/launcher frame was made with PVC pipes and adapters in mind, all secured with PVC cement to keep the connections super tight between PVC, especially with the tank that will hold the air in. In addition, since I wanted the rocket launcher to be easier to handle, I fashioned the launcher frame so that it can be held up on my shoulder, and the beam below with be held by my hand. Lastly, to power the electric value, it takes 18 volts to be powered so two 9 volt batteries are needed for this.
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I have provided 2 videos of the rocket launcher tests down bellow, and as for the results, the rockets managed to launch themselves quite effectively from over 3 meters to 10 meters in range. Looking back however, I feel like I can improve the Rocket launcher for what it is, such as increasing the size of the tank to make it hold more air, or change the tank so it its all metal in order to hold the pressure without exploding, or even designing the body so that it will be even more easier to handle it. The possibilities are endless as you come up with a perfect design for this rocket launcher!