83. Geiger device
This device will detect ionizing radiation around you, and print out the results of whether the environment is safe to live in or not. This device is called the Geiger device, and its function is to detect the amount of radiation through the rate of clicks. By the rate of clicks, if there is a fast rate of clicks, the environment would be a hazard, and if slow, it'll be safe.
The way this device works is that there is a sensor called the Geiger-muller tube, a gaseous tube using 2 electrodes. When one of the ionized particles hits the tube, the gas particles closest to the impact will charge up and become more conductive. With it, the chain reaction occurs as more particles are being charged, until it makes a path from the anode to the electrode, counting as a click. Such a method requires a high DC voltage to make charging up the gas easier.
<Parts> |
To get started on this project, you will need the Radiation sensor module that has the tube pre-installed, the Arduino, a 10k ohm potentiometer, a 16x2 LCD, and wires to hook everything up. Note the connections on your sensor module, and try to power it up with 5 volts of power. It will work by making a slow rate of clicks - indicated background radiation.
For more visual info, install the Arduino by connecting the output of the sensor to the Arduino, and powering it up with the same Arduino. Try to program the Arduino so that it will detect the number of clicks. With the clicks, set up the serial function so that it will print out the results to the Arduino console.
Once you know that the sensor works, wire up the LCD to the Arduino, using the last 4 digital pins of the LCD. Then wire up the RS and EN of the LCD to the Arduino's digital pins, and then wire up the power connections of the LCD and the led, as well as the RW of the LCD. Make sure that you install the potentiometer for contrast control.
<Interfacing> |
With that, go back with the same code, but this time make it print the results to the LCD. You will need to initialize the LCD to ensure functionality. Use LCD.print() and LCD.clear() for writing out the results and clearing out the screen.
You are ready to use the device. Use it in places that you think are radioactive so that you can choose to avoid it, or keep going. You can also try it in radioactive-filled places such as Chornobyl!