58: 3x3x3 LED cube

This project is similar to the other project I made, the 4x4x4 led cube, but instead of using 64 LEDs, it uses only 27 LEDs. Not only that, install of using just resistors to drive the cathode layers, it uses a transistor system so that it can switch out the LEDs without dimming the rest of the LEDs.

<Full unit>

It still uses the same Arduino board, but it has been wired with the proto shield, so it takes little soldering to complete the project. To house the Arduino circuit and hold the led cube in place, I used a soapbox as an enclosure. The led cube itself was assembled by using a cardboard piece and poking holes in a 3x3 matrix.  That is where I can insert the LEDs, and solder them easily.

The LEDs have to be soldered in a grid-like matrix, with the anodes still sticking out, but the cathodes are bent at a 90-degree angle and soldered in with the rest of the cathodes.
Once the first layer is done, make 2 more layers, and stack them by soldering the anodes to another neighboring anode, and by this point, you will have your cube.

It's only a matter of time to solder the anode column to the Arduino, the cathode layers to each of the transistor configurations, and finally, program the Arduino to see the led cube come to life!


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